Friday, May 31, 2013

Coming Up

Review of Dawn of Eden

Shatter Me
School Spirits


Yaaa!! 300 page views, we are really moving on up!! Check in tomorrow for the Weekly Book Quiz Answers and coming soon a review of the book Shatter Me.  Also, check out the countdown page for the Countdowns to your and my favorite books!!!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

When I realized the Eternity Cure ended and I have to wait another year for the next book "The Forever Song"

Then when I read the epilogue…

Then when I read the last line….

The Eternity Cure: Blood of Eden

The first book of the Blood of Eden series, The Immortal Rules, was one of the most amazing books I have ever read.  So when I began to read the sequel, The Eternity Cure, had didn't think it could possibly be as good as the first.  I was so wrong.  It was positively amazing!! It was so unexpected, I couldn't even guess what was going to happen.  When Allison returns to her old home on the search for a sire, she encounters much more.  Enemies become allies (for the moment), and faces from the past return, some traitors, others allies.  Deciding which is which is the hard part.  Awesome, amazing and a must read!!! 1,000,000 out of 10, or 10 out of 10.  So much action, mystery, and a little bit of romance makes it perfect!!!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Technology is driving me nuts, Kindle still freaking out on me!  I just want to read!!!! Ug, anyways, hope you had a good Memorial Day Weekend!! Keep reading! I sure wish i could

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Weekly Book Quiz

1) Who is Zeke's adopted father in the Blood of Eden Series? 

2) What Greek goddess is Ava in the Goddess Test Series? 

3) Summer advisor turned Head of the Dark Court in the Wicked Lovely Series? 

4) Annabeth's fear in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series? 

5) Which poisonous berries caused the death of a tribute in the Hunger Games? 
a) Shadowberries
b) Nightlock
c) Frostshades
d) Nightshadows

Friday, May 24, 2013


Zeke is finally back in the Eternity Cure!!! Thank goodness <3

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Immortal Rules

Omg, just omg, an amazing book!!! It follows Allison as she struggles to live in poverty in the Fringe in a world where vampires rule after a horrible disease wipes out many humans.  And as she becomes the one thing she hates the most.  This book has so many twists and turns I would never have anticipated, and it has an amazing plot I have never seen before.  Zeke and Allison are amazing and the more I read the more I want to.  I couldn't put it down!! 1,000,000 out of 10!!!!!! Ok, like a 10 out of 10, but I loved it soooooooooooo much!! Now on to the Eternity Cure!!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekly Book Quiz

1) What is the name of Daemon's brother in the Lux Series? 

2) Which God is Alex related to in the Covenant Series? 

3) Which God in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series makes horrible haikus? 

4) What is Peeta's father's job in the Hunger Games? 

5) What is the name of the ghost who haunts the bathroom in the Harry Potter series? 

Lux Series

This scene literally made me tear up :'( Origin needs to come out sooner!!!!


Wooo Hoooo!! 200 and more page views!!! Thanks everyone!
Here is a little something for all you Percy Jackson Fans Out there

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Weekly Book Quiz Answers

1) What is the name of the villain in the Soul Screamers Series?
Answer: Avari

2) Who is Alex's love interest (one of them) in the Covenant Series?
Answer: Aiden or Seth

3) What is the name of Percy's sword in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series?
Answer: Riptide

4) Name both the twins in the Archers of Avalon Series.
Answer: Gabrial and Tristan

5) List the three titles of the Hunger Games Series
Answer: Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay

Keep it away from me!!

Reading Time!!!

7 hour bus ride = perfect time to catch up on reading

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Hey There!

This week has been seriously ruff, tons of things I had to do that I would rather be reading than doing.  And I am gone for the weekend :( so Ill bring and post as much as I can before.  Here is one of my favorite scenes from the Iron Fey Series to brighten your and my day!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hey Everyone!!

So far, I'm loving the Immortal Rules!! It may take a few days for me to finish it and review, but hang i there!!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Opal, Lux Series

The third book in the Lux series stole my heart!  Daemon and Katy are adorable together, and Dawson makes my heart ache for him.  Defiantly worth a read!  I loved it, the twist, the turns, and the return of Blake (sorry spoiler).  And the ending, just wow… You should read it, 10 out of 10.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Hex Hall Series

I read the first Hex Hall book around three years when it first came out, I loved it, but after a while I forgot about it and didn't look for the next book in the series.  This fall, I found the series again, reread the first and went to the second.  It was awesome, it didn't really follow the conventional book outline, and there were a lot of great twists and turns that made it so interesting.  All and all it was great, but a short three book series and sometimes a bit confusing.  I personally give it a 8 out of 10.  But I love the idea of the book, the romance between Archer and Sophie, and the twist with Cal.  

When technology fails you...

Get the hard copy!!!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Iron Fey Series

I can not say enough about this series, I love love love it! My favorite has to be the Iron Queen or the Iron Knight, Ash is so perfect and Puck brings balance with humor.  It is the perfect mixture of adventure, love, and humor that makes it a seriously amazing series.  I really haven't seen any other series like this one, with the back round of a Midsummer Night's Dream.  I suggest reading this series, the first part of the first book may lag a bit but it keeps getting better and better.  10 out of 10, maybe even an 11.  I also suggest reading the spin off series, the Call of the Forgotten.

Weekly Book Quiz

1) What is the name of the villain in the Soul Screamers Series? 

2) Who is Alex's love interest (one of them) in the Covenant Series? 

3) What is the name of Percy's sword in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series? 

4) Name both the twins in the Archers of Avalon Series.

5) List the three titles of the Hunger Games Series 

What is new

Check out the new Countdown page to see countdowns to new books being released!
Also, check out the Weekly Book Quiz page for the answers to last week's quiz!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

What is coming up soon, hopefully.

Review of Opal (3rd book in the Lux Series)
Answers for Weekly Book Quiz
Review of The Immortal Rules

The timing these reviews will be dependent on when my Kindle decides to stop being annoying and freezing.  Cross your fingers for me!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


One Hundred Page Views!!! Woooo hoooo ;) now all we need are some followers…

Monday, May 6, 2013

Sigh, that is a sad fact

The Covenant Series

The Covenant Series drew me in from the very first chapter, and continued to draw me in with every book.  This series hasn't ended yet, but the last book left me dying for more.  Alex's attitude and strength makes her an admirable and relatable character, and her love for Aiden makes you fall in love with both of them.  There are so many twists, turns, and unpredictable situation that keeps the reader guessing.  Probably one of my favorite series, 10 out of 10.  

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Weekly Book Quiz

1) Where does Harry first meet Malfoy in the Sorcerer's Stone? 

2) Luke Castellan is the child of what god from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series?

3) Who wrote the Soul Screamers Series?

4) What district is Clove from in the Hunger Games? 

5) What is the pattern on Mr. D's shirt in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series?

(Remember, to win comment the answers and the first three people to do so will get their names on Winners list)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Goddess Test

I started reading this series a while ago and only recently finished up the series because the last book came out.  The series in general was a very interesting theme, a modern twist on the story of Persephone.  Henry is your run of the mill broken hearted depressed male character, pretty lovable at times, and you want to punch him at other times.  The first book was really good, I enjoyed the twists and mystery.  After that, well, I think it went down hill pretty quick.  I mean, I love the plot of the second and third, but in the second one, Kate is kind of whiny and annoying about Henry still loving Persephone.  But I got to give Aimee Carter props for the ending of the second one.  I have one thing to say out that, wow, amazing cliff hanger.  It left me literally begging for more.  And, around a year later (ug I hate waiting for books) more came.  It was pretty good, not amazing, but not bad at all.  The ending was pretty good, so I suggesting reading the series.  Not one of my favorites, but pretty good.
7 out of 10 for the whole series.
8 out of 10 for The Goddess Test
6 out of 10 for The Goddess Interrupted
7 out of 10 for The Goddess Inheritance


Friday, May 3, 2013

Soul Screamers

Ahhhhhh! I love this series!  It is such an original idea and plot, ug I can't even begin to say how much I loved it.  Nash and Kaylee were great in the first book, but slowly I defiantly became a fan of Tod.  I really enjoy the bean sidhe and reaper theme, its really original and interesting.  I loved every single book of this series, and I don't want to ruin the ending, but it was by far one of the best endings I have ever read.  I really hope everyone reads this, its not too romance, its an equal balance of romance, humor, and adventure.  I love it, did I mention I love it?  10 out of 10! Maybe even an 11.  <3

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Look out for this weekend!

Friday: A review of the Soul Screamers series.
Saturday: A review of the Goddess Test series and answers to the Weekly Book Quiz
Sunday: New Weekly Book Quiz

Lux Series: Shadows

This book was a great prequel to the series and an interesting look into Dawson and Bethany's relationship.  It filled in a lot of gaps and answered questions I have about the series and it also explained Daemon and Dawson's relationship in more depth.  I love Dawson, he is so funny and likely, I wish he was in the series sooner.  Defiantly a must read for the Lux Series,  I suggest reading after you have read the first or second book.  9 out of 10.

Existence Trilogy

This book is a hard one to review, because usually I am gushing about how much I love a series, and this one eh, not so much on the love factor.  I can't fairly review all of them as a series only because some books are better than others, so I am reviewing each individually first.

Your average love at first sight but you can't be together for one reason or another paranormal romance.   I enjoyed the whole he is literally Death part, that was pretty interesting, but how she becomes obsessed with him a a bit frightening to say the least.  And the whole time I just wanted to yell at her "BE WITH LEIF! HE IS SO SWEET" but she went for the bad boy.  I also was so annoyed when she started crying and freaking out because she can't be with Dank, I mean come on, I know you are "in love" but thats near craziness.  I expected more out of this book, though I am a fan of "Yet you stay" its a good song.  Anyways, this was kind of disappointing in my opinion though if you love the whole "girl is dependent on guy for happiness" thing, this is a good book for you.  Me, I like it when the main female character isn't that wimpy.  Oh well, book number one is a 3 out of 10.

Better, not amazing, but better.  I liked the whole Leif is an evil voodoo prince thing, very creative.  I enjoyed the romance between Dank and Pagan a little more now, though it was still a little obsessive.  I really didn't like how possess he was though, it was creepy not cute.  And it got a little to… sexual for my taste in this book (warning it is PG 13 at least).  I liked the plot of this one though, and it was a big step up from the last one, a lot of more shocks and twists.  4 out of 10. 

Finally, what I have been waiting for! Better, much better.  Though I was kind of confused with the transition between Predestined and Ceaseless (make sure you read the first few pages closely), I liked this one a lot.  She was to pick between Death and the soul she was meant to be with while she has no memory of her love for Death.  Much better than the last two, I am proud of Abbi Glines.  But watch it again, it gets PG 13 (more R rated) in some parts, mostly the end.  But better, 6 out of 10.